Hi my name is Diane. I first discovered Coach Anne at the end of 2019 through social media. In her posts she demonstrated so much knowledge and kindness, so I wanted to give her program a try.
I’ve been active with her since April 2020. My goal was to get physically fit and lose some weight. And while that is still my goal, I’ve learned so much more from Coach. I’m doing exercises now I never heard of before (and I used to run track and play basketball in high school). I also lost 7 pounds! While that’s definitely something to celebrate, I’ve learned that the scale doesn’t define me, so when that number fluctuates, I’m ok with it.
Coach Anne also taught me that while being physically fit is great, being mentally fit is also important. She opened my eyes again to looking at food as something I can enjoy, no matter if it’s vegetables or my favorite candy. I was at a point where I was giving myself a hard time for eating certain foods. I’ve learned how to count my macros and eat smaller portions, all while enjoying my favorites.
Through it all, I’ve met an amazing and supportive group of ladies. We all have our ups and downs. Some days I don’t feel motivated to work out, but when I see the group achieving personal bests and routing us all on, I go for it. I enjoy our group chats and weekly Zoom calls. We’re in it together, and it feels so good. I’ve definitely learned discipline and healthier habits.
Coach Anne constantly reminds us that this journey is not just the length of the program but a lifetime. I intend to keep my body moving, not just so I can look good but also feel good.
I am forever grateful for finding Coach Anne and this life-changing program.