For about a decade, I had been doing all the fad diets and could never commit to a workout plan long-term because I did not have a work-life balance at all. I felt like I was always working and never took care of myself- mentally, physically, or emotionally. I had been following Coach Anne on Instagram for a while, but when I moved cities and changed jobs this summer, I finally decided to enroll and commit to Coach Anne's online four week program. This program is AMAZING. Coach Anne is so motivating, and the ladies group chat is so inspirational and encouraging and supportive. Whenever I am feeling down, I read the group chat and it lifts my spirits. I always look forward to our weekly Zoom calls! This program has really taught me how to take care of myself for the long-term- focusing on mental and physical health, sustainable nutrition and fitness, healthy relationships and family, and personal growth. Before this program, I used to think about "cheat meals" and "bad foods" and "good foods" and I would always feel so overwhelmed with all the diets out there, that I would never really know what to eat. Coach Anne makes things simple- "carbs, proteins, fats" and "everything in moderation." This helped me to see food differently and has helped me develop a more positive relationship with food. I feel like my life is more balanced now, and I feel less stress and guilt around food. I feel happier, and I feel like I am slowly learning what my body wants and needs. I see myself getting stronger in my lifts, I am able to do more push-ups (one of my fitness goals!) and I have already decreased my mile time by almost two minutes! I went into this program just expecting workouts and nutrition, but I got so much more than that- this program really gave me a new perspective on health and life.