Thoughts on my walking pad


What a wild couple of weeks it’s been. I think it’s been over a month since I updated my website, let me go check to confirm. Yep, June 17th was when I updated my website. It’s insane how quickly time moves these days now, people always said time moves much faster once having a kid and it’s beyond true.

These last few weeks were rough with Haven getting sick with Roseola on top of teething, just when he was feeling better I unfortunately sprained my back doing a deadlift at the gym. Right when I pulled the weight up I knew something was off and then I felt it in my back. It was a culmination of things, I was already tired from running over the weekend, mentally wasn’t all there for the workout and I moved up in weight too quickly. It sucked because I was just starting to feel really good with training again then I got injured. I wasn’t able to do anything last week, the pain was unbearable. I couldn’t lay down nor walk comfortably and the worst part was not being able to pick up or hold Haven. Back pain is brutal and knowing people suffer from this chronically every day, my heart absolutely goes out to them.

It’s been a full week now and I’m still not 100% yet, my back still feels tight but I’m able to walk better and pick up Haven but I can’t hold him for longer than a few minutes. I’m hoping by the end of the week I’ll feel completely better so I can be more hands on with Haven and get back to my training. I am running my third full marathon in ten weeks which I am excited but also a little nervous for because I don’t have a lot of time to train. This marathon is very special to me for a lot of reasons which I will share in another post. Even though I can’t run right now at least I can walk, I’m currently walking right now as I’m typing this with the help of my new walking pad. I’ve wanted to get one for a while and now having one I wished I got it sooner!

It gets so hot early, walking in the heat along with the mosquitoes does not sound enjoyable at all. Today I was going to go to the gym to stretch, walk and use some of their recovery but I didn’t sleep well last night and didn’t want to spend the 30m RT commute when I could just stretch and use the walking pad at home. This would’ve been great during my first year of motherhood to utilize when Haven was napping or when I’m unable to go to the gym or the weather wasn’t great. It was so gloomy and rainy after I first gave birth to Haven, June gloom was very real.

If you’re thinking about getting a walking pad, I would recommend getting one because it’ll help you get in your steps and move your body in the comfort of your own home, you can watch a show or work while you’re getting your steps in. If you’re a new Mom who wants to work out but don’t want to go to the gym or live in an area where you can’t walk outdoors due to weather or safety- I feel this is a good investment. I’ll link the one I purchased: Walking Pad

Moving my body a bit again and writing my thoughts/working on my website feels nice. Last week I was in a bit of a rut not being able to do much but hey- shit happens right? Feel all we need to feel then make moves to better it.

There’s a lot of things I want to do and I remind myself one thing at a time and to always give myself as much kindness and grace as possible. Thank you for being here and reading my thoughts.

Till next time, hopefully not in another month!



Starting Over


Starting over once again with my website/blog.
Starting over this time as a new Mom.

Me starting over again with my website is a big deal for me because it’s the first time I’ve poured into something just for me. I’ve taken time away from coaching and working to be a stay at home Mom, I love being able to be at home with my son however there are a lot of sacrifices I had to make in order to stay at home.

Motherhood has taught me so much and over the past few months I’ve slowly gained my pink back, started feeling more like myself, doing things here and there for myself and feeling more confident in going out with Haven by myself. I’m trying to be the best Mom I can be for my son and I know that in order to be that for him I need to make sure that I’m taking care of myself first. It’s hard to put yourself first as a new Mom/a Mom in general but I’m working on it.

Coaching, this website, YouTube, training are a few of the things I would like to pour more time into, it’s kinda hard, well very hard to do it with my current schedule since I’m mostly home with Haven and with him being so active it’s tough to sit and work. What also makes it tough is that he’s so freaking cute that all I want to do is play with him or watch him nap. Haha. But hey, I’m trying and I know it’ll get better in time. JP and I are working on making our schedule better for me to have more me time. My current schedule is worked around his schedule, I know that once our schedule is better balanced it’ll give me more time, freedom and overall I’ll feel much better.

For now, this is a start- a new refresh of my entire site. It’s not perfect and I don’t even know where I want to go with everything but at least it’s a start.

Thanks for reading along! Till next time.


For Me.

As I type this blog post I am currently smiling from ear to ear with how the new layout of my page looks and most importantly feels. I am so happy with the redesign of my page and I am excited to continue learning how to navigate the design space and to continue writing.

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January 2021

Writing is important to me and although my blog is not consistent, I am grateful I have been able to express my thoughts and emotions through #coffeeannethoughts on my Instagram platform. Writing is an outlet for me and something I have always enjoyed doing whether it’s just for me, letters to my loved ones or writings to be shared publicly.

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Hello April 2020

I can’t believe it’s been a little over a year and a half since the last time that I wrote my blog and took time to go over my website. A part of me is disappointed that I didn’t keep up with my website as much as I planned to but the other side of me isn’t because I have accomplished a lot of other things I wanted to do in the last year and a half.

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Since getting back from Bali I felt like my mind has been going at a mile a minute however I feel much calmer mentally and emotionally than I have felt in years. Even if there are a lot of things to do, I am no longer stressing myself out over them. I am taking everything one thing at a time. The old me would feel overwhelmed with the thought of having a lot to do, trying to get it all don

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