
It's currently 8:17am. 

I opened up the gym at 6am, read a few articles on topics that I need improvement on, responded to e-mails, wrote a post for my FB page, worked on this years taxes, checked up on my finances and now here I am on my website writing this post. It's been a good and productive morning, it's been a calm morning, it's been a morning that brought me happiness.

Since getting back from Bali I felt like my mind has been going at a mile a minute however I feel much calmer mentally and emotionally than I have felt in years. Even if there are a lot of things to do, I am no longer stressing myself out over them. I am taking everything one thing at a time. The old me would feel overwhelmed with the thought of having a lot to do, trying to get it all done in unrealistic times. I would put a lot of pressure on myself and in return it led to me not being efficient and happy.

What I needed to do was to stop spreading myself too thin, I have come to realize that absolutely nothing is worth sacrificing my mental, emotional and physical well being for. If it does not bring me growth and happiness, I do not need it in my life.  I also needed to set boundaries not only for myself with the tasks that needed to be done but also with people. I will be honest, I am a people pleaser, I like seeing other people happy and bringing happiness into their life. However it came to a point in my life where I was putting other people's happiness and needs in front of my own. My close friend Angel told me that in order to be happy I need to fill my own vessel and to keep it full.  I know that self love and self care has been a growing topic in conversation and in social media, to truly understand and apply it to our personal life truly does make a difference.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, unhappy, anxious, anything that brings negative feelings towards yourself- take a step back, breathe and reevaluate what you are doing. Your mood, your feelings, your life can change literally in an instance once you put yourself and your well being as the main priority. Feel free to leave a question or comment below to chat.

Thinking and writing aloud this morning, thank you for taking the time to read. Writing for me is one of my favorite outlets and I look forward to making the time to write for myself again and to share with you all.

In light and love,