Hello April 2020

I can’t believe it’s been a little over a year and a half since the last time that I wrote my blog and took time to go over my website. A part of me is disappointed that I didn’t keep up with my website as much as I planned to but the other side of me isn’t because I have accomplished a lot of other things I wanted to do in the last year and a half.

My Instagram, Facebook page, in person training, online programs, emails, newsletter, collaborations, family life, love life, social life, fitness journey, YouTube to name a few- that’s a lot to try to do all at the same time for one person and truth is I’m not able to make time for everything but I will always make time for what I feel is most important in the time being.

The last year and a half has been a whirlwind, the biggest highlight of 2019 was getting engaged to JP which I will have a dedicated post for. This year will mark our four year anniversary and our “How We Met Video” was supposed to be done three years ago haha. I haven’t accomplished content goals I had for myself but being present every day in our love is definitely much more important.

Last year I also launched my online training which has been amazing, I love being able to coach people from all around the world. When I see my clients working out, bettering their nutritional habits, becoming more confident- it brings more more joy that I can ever express. I plan on releasing more programs through my app and PDF versions here on my website for you all to purchase. Creating programs and connecting with people are two things I genuinely love enjoying and in a few years as we try to start a family I am looking forward to creating programs for Mama’s to be and so much more.

There is plenty to say and write about, I told myself to start with one post and let’s see where this takes me. I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself because I don’t want the cycle to repeat where it’s another year before I write another blog post. I’m excited to bring my website back to life little by little and I thank you for being here along for the journey.
