It is currently 4:12pm January 16th 2021 as I write this post.
I opened up this blog section of my website to see three posts total and the last blog post was April 9th, 2020. The old me would have been disappointed with the lack of writing that I have done but the old me is gone. Although I have not dedicated time to keeping up with my blog as much as I planned to, there are so many things that I have done for myself in 2020 that I am extremely proud of.
Starting therapy is absolutely at the top of my list. It was years in the making for me to start going and now it has become something that I look forward to every week. I will dedicated a post solely for therapy, for now- just know that it can be a safe space for you if you allow it to be.
Last year I became very honest with myself with areas in my life that I am not satisfied with and took full responsibility for it. There are things that I have been putting on for many reasons, I realized I am CHOOSING to stay the same. Whatever I was not changing, I was choosing. In life it is so easy to put the blame on life, other people, situations. To take responsibility for it is hard but when you take ownership of the situation and believe that you can change your life, you start living.
Writing is important to me and although my blog is not consistent, I am grateful I have been able to express my thoughts and emotions through #coffeeannethoughts on my Instagram platform. Writing is an outlet for me and something I have always enjoyed doing whether it’s just for me, letters to my loved ones or writings to be shared publicly. I look forward to going at a kinder pace for this year and see where the journey takes me when it comes to writing. I would love to be consistent and I know that I will need to schedule time to write just like I schedule out time for therapy.
I have a feeling this year will be great for my writing- my mind is feeling better and calmer about the process, there is no self pressure. I can’t be down on myself for one thing I didn’t accomplish when there is so many other things I have excelled in. When we focus on one negative, it’s so easy to forget about all of the amazing positives we have in our lives.
I am a work in progress and so is this blog.
The best is yet to come.
Anne Phung